NEMESI–Communication hidden to the digital eye
Thesis project, 2020
NEMESI is a typeface that can not be read by the computer. In the field of digital recognition of text, today’s machines are able to identify and convert text displayed inside of complex images. Knowing that this new consumer of written text is able to see what humans write, how will typography change in the future? After finding out which shapes are hostile to Optical Character Recognition technology and realizing a typeface with them, I produced a paper publication to show my discoveries. A digital interaction followed: two twitter bots try to communicate by using the NEMESI typeface (Mentor: Leonardo Angelucci). Credits for the last picture go to Verein Junge Grafik: picture taken during the Junge Grafik exhibition at Weltformat 2021.
Thesis project, 2020
NEMESI is a typeface that can not be read by the computer. In the field of digital recognition of text, today’s machines are able to identify and convert text displayed inside of complex images. Knowing that this new consumer of written text is able to see what humans write, how will typography change in the future? After finding out which shapes are hostile to Optical Character Recognition technology and realizing a typeface with them, I produced a paper publication to show my discoveries. A digital interaction followed: two twitter bots try to communicate by using the NEMESI typeface (Mentor: Leonardo Angelucci). Credits for the last picture go to Verein Junge Grafik: picture taken during the Junge Grafik exhibition at Weltformat 2021.

NEMESI is one of the 30 selected projects of the Junge Grafik award 2021. As stated on their
website: "Junge Grafik recognizes innovative, diverse and
exceptional graphic work created during a student’s education and training. The biennial Junge
Grafik Award was created for both apprentices and
students across Switzerland. The 30 winners will be nominated by a renowned jury and awarded
their prize at the ceremony event."
digital, typeface, editorial, twitter API, web-design